According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical scientists, including pharmacologists, held 119,000 jobs in 2022. These jobs range anywhere from designing and conducting studies on diseases and treatment options, to writing scientific research papers for publication in respected journals. Many untold occupations fall both within and outside of this range. For pharmacologists, though the specialties are broad, the specific job areas tend to be categorized less broadly. Traditionally, career opportunities can veer toward academia, industry, government or conducting research as a bench scientist.
As we approach National Volunteer Week from April 21–27, 2024, themed “Something for Everyone,” we at ASPET strive to provide opportunities for all members to get involved with the Society and make meaningful connections to their peers.
ASPET is celebrating National Volunteer Week from April 21–27. Each year, the week is set aside to recognize the contributions of volunteers across the globe. National Volunteer Week started 50 years ago and has grown rapidly with thousands of volunteer projects and special events held throughout the week.
In 2023, ASPET’s journal Drug Metabolism and Disposition (DMD) celebrated its 50th Anniversary! First published in 1973, the journal has been the home for drug metabolism researchers and their exciting findings while also keeping an eye on new, emerging techniques and scientific questions.
A Conversation with ASPET’s Council Member Amy Arnold, PhD
Honoring ASPET members who have passed.
Fifth-year PhD candidate at Emory University and ASPET Washington Fellow Alum, Elijah Zorro Ullman discovered his passion for policy at an early age.
A showcase of early-career scientists—what drives them and why pharmacology is important to them.