According to the Society for Scholarly Publishing, Peer Review Week is a globally recognized, annual, community-led, virtual event that celebrates the indispensable role of peer review in upholding research quality.
A mentorship program can be a life-long personal and professional benefit. Whether formal or informal, mentoring can offer people an opportunity to learn from one another through a transfer of skill and knowledge.
After highlighting how the Society serves as the “leading voice promoting the field,” aims to be the “authoritative scientific resource” for pharmacology, and “cultivates an inclusive and diverse culture,” I’ll now turn to the fourth and final Strategic Area of Focus—ASPET serving as the “professional home for pharmacology.”
A Conversation with ASPET’s Program Committee Chair Carol Paronis, PhD
Updates from some of our outstanding ASPET members.
Over the next few months, The Pharmacologist will highlight the policy briefs written by the 2024 Washington Fellows class. This month, we’re featuring policy briefs on equitable access to medical technologies in Alabama and federal legalization of fentanyl test strips in the U.S.
A showcase of early-career scientists—what drives them and why pharmacology is important to them.
The ASPET Publication Committee recently approved the following new editorial board members for the journal Drug Metabolism and Disposition.
A Recap of the ASPET 2024 Annual Meeting. Thank You for Making ASPET 2024 a Success!