The Publications Committee thanks the new editorial board members for 2025 and all ASPET board members for their service and dedication to the Society’s journals.
Dr. Xinxin Ding, Editor-in-Chief of Drug Metabolism and Disposition, recently spoke at The 25th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations about publishing with ASPET’s journals. Dr. Ding discussed the latest journals developments, including the new opportunities with the Society’s partnership with Elsevier. ASPET currently publishes four journals—The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Drug Metabolism and Disposition, Molecular Pharmacology and Pharmacological Reviews. In collaboration with the British Pharmacological Society and Wiley, ASPET publishes Pharmacology Research & Perspectives.
According to the Society for Scholarly Publishing, Peer Review Week is a globally recognized, annual, community-led, virtual event that celebrates the indispensable role of peer review in upholding research quality.
The ASPET Publication Committee recently approved the following new editorial board members for the journal Drug Metabolism and Disposition.
ASPET journals editors and reviewers celebrated each other and their accomplishments at the ASPET 2024 Annual Meeting Journals Luncheon.
ASPET Announces ASPET Discovery Editor Search
ASPET Names Three New Editorial Advisory Board Members
ASPET Journals Name Three New Associate Editors