John D. Schuetz, PhD, is the inaugural Editor-in-Chief of ASPET Discovery, the newest Gold Open Access journal of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. In partnership with Elsevier Publishing Company, ASPET Discovery, a peer-reviewed Open Access journal, will publish bi-monthly and include a range of article types including original research articles and minireviews that address all areas of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. Dr. Schuetz will serve a three-year term that can be renewed for one additional three-year term.
Dr. Schuetz begins his new position having served as an Associate Editor for the ASPET journals Pharmacological Reviews and Drug Metabolism and Disposition as well as a member of editorial boards of other journals. He is an ASPET Fellow (2021), former President of ASPET (2017), ASPET President-elect (2016) and Chair, ASPET Financial Task Force (2016). In addition, he has or is serving in leadership roles in other scientific societies, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the International Transmembrane Transporter Society. Dr. Schuetz recently shared his thoughts on plans for the new journal as the launch of ASPET Discovery gets underway with The Pharmacologist.

As you continue to roll out ASPET Discovery, what is your short-term goal for this new journal?
My short-term goal is to ensure that we develop a pipeline of manuscripts submitted. An approach I’m using is to solicit requests for submissions from colleagues and their colleagues for contributions to our journal.
How do you describe the journal’s scope and target audience?
Because this is ASPET’s first totally open access journal in partnership with Elsevier, I want our audience to understand that the remit of the journal is broad because we want to provide more opportunity to pharmacologists. In this context, studies related to drug mechanisms in pre-clinical and clinical aspects are important to include. It is also important to include a range from drug development to translational studies.
How would you approach evaluating manuscript submissions to ensure they align with ASPET Discovery’s standards and goals that you expect?
I think first and foremost is ensuring the presentation of rigorous, sound science. After all, we want our authors to be proud of publishing in ASPET Discovery.
How do you plan to attract authors with their article submissions to help ASPET Discovery get off to a great start?
I think creating word-of-mouth buzz is important, as I mentioned, I am personally reaching out and inviting colleagues to submit to ASPET Discovery. I also think an advantage to authors is to avail themselves of the opportunity to transfer submissions from ASPET’s established journals. There is some data from other journals that this route increases the chance of acceptance. With respect to composition of articles in the journal, I think a healthy mix—primary papers and timely minireviews—will help to raise the journal’s profile. Incidentally, I am encouraging the EAB [Editorial Advisory Board] members to invite their colleagues to submit to ASPET Discovery.
Generally speaking, when you start anything new, there are usually challenges. What challenges have you faced, or are currently facing, with getting this journal under way? How do you plan to move forward to avoid those challenges down the road?
One challenge is to make sure I know the software used for submission as this will allow me to be most helpful to authors and the editorial board. Another challenge will be to get the word out and recruit potential authors. Also, while I have worked with many of the excellent ASPET publications staff, a need, not necessarily a challenge, will be to establish rapport with Elsevier staff. I think having periodic meetings and maintaining a dialog with all parties will avoid or minimize potential issues.
Are you building a team of editors to support you or do you have that team in place now? What are those roles?
So far, for the initial needs of the journal, and keeping in mind that I want a diverse board, I have recruited three experienced associate editors (AEs) with diverse expertise and one experienced editorial board member. I plan to add more editorial board members depending on the needs
of the journal.
Building ASPET Discovery’s Foundation
Dr. Schuetz brings not only a wealth of publishing knowledge, but also extensive research experience. He is currently a faculty member of the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, after starting as an Assistant Member (1992–1993). He is a member and former Vice Chair (2005–2022) of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Department (now Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences). His laboratory employs a variety of sophisticated technologies (super-resolution microscopy, biochemistry, cell biology, proteomics, conditional knockouts, clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, or CRISPR screens, etc.) to understand how transporters contribute to pathophysiology, drug response, toxicology and metabolism. The lab has defined and functionally “de-orphaned” transporters: ABCB6, ABCG2, and ABCC4 with more than 175 articles in peer-reviewed journals and several patents related to ABC transporters.
He attended the University of Minnesota and, while in the honors program, was employed in the laboratory of Travis Thompson, PhD, known as a pioneer of behavioral pharmacology. He received his PhD from the Medical College of Virginia at Virginia Commonwealth University with Robert Diasio, MD, whose lab identified the genetic basis of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) enzyme deficiency. Dr. Schuetz conducted postdoctoral training with I. David Goldman, MD, who studied SLC19A gene and folate metabolism. Dr. Schuetz also worked with Philip Guzelian, MD, who identified CYP3, a subfamily of the cytochrome P450 superfamily of genes. At the same institution, Dr. Schuetz identified and cloned CYP3A5 and 7. He intends to use his research experience and publishing knowledge to lead ASPET Discovery toward success.
What strategies would you use to identify and recruit qualified reviewers for manuscript submissions?
I am relying on my prior DMD [Drug Metabolism and Disposition] experience of almost 20 years as well as other scientific journal editorial boards to identify reviewers. The AEs that have been appointed have sufficient prior board experience too. I will also encourage the AEs to rely on their network of reviewers, but also use literature to identify reviewers too.
What are the most pressing research questions or emerging trends with pharmacology that you would prioritize highlighting?
Effectively using and incorporating large publicly available datasets and omics data and repositories (of all sorts, e.g., UK Biobank) into pharmacological research. These datasets addition, the explosion of structures with virtual library screens is catalyzing a revolution in drug discovery, especially when coupled with sophisticated high-throughput screens. I think the advancements in immunotherapies and vaccine technologies have been game changers for therapeutics.
Describe your process for providing constructive feedback to authors, including addressing any concerns about potential bias or ethical issues?
My process for providing feedback is to, first and foremost, focus on critiquing the science. I will also try to investigate if the work is confirmatory or is an advance in the field. Certainly, replication is important to ensure rigorous science, but it is important to consider the context. With respect to bias in a review, if the language in a review is disparaging or inflammatory then I feel it incumbent for the editor handling the manuscript to edit the review accordingly. One’s personal perspective or bias should not override or abridge the opportunity to publish sound science. If ethical issues arise, I would be initially contacting the ASPET Publications Chair as well as the ASPET Ethics editor. Their input will be invaluable in discerning and guiding how an ethical issue is handled.
Creating Opportunities for Future Scientists
Dr. Schuetz is looking forward to opening a new door for pharmacologists through ASPET Discovery by creating more opportunities for publishing. The future is bright for ASPET’s new journal and could possibly lead to serving other scientists down the road. Through these new opportunities, Dr. Schuetz plans to elevate the field of pharmacologists for future scientists. He explains that following the trends will be critical.
As a former ASPET President and active participant with the Society along with your experience a career researcher, you have a unique understanding of not only the Society’s history, but also of the type of science that will continue to keep ASPET at the forefront of pharmacology. How can ASPET Discovery propel pharmacological science into the future?
It is hard to prognosticate, but I think it is important to keep abreast of scientific and technological advances and breakthroughs and then determine which ones might be applicable to pharmacology.
Do you foresee opportunities for early-career scientists to publish their research in ASPET Discovery via special sections?
I think it is important to provide opportunities for early-career scientists at all levels on editorial boards as well as in publishing. These individuals need opportunities to show independence as their efforts will set the stage for the future of science.
What foundational lessons have you learned from your experience on ASPET journals, that you feel will help you in preparing ASPET Discovery to develop into the future?
I think it is important to step outside your personal science niche and appreciate the other facets of research and education.
Dr. Schuetz is laying the foundation for ASPET Discovery. His previous experience with ASPET will serve as a key component to understanding the audiences for ASPET Discovery to include ASPET members as well as expand submissions outside the box of pharmacology and beyond. Authors, including early-career scientists, can take advantage of many benefits of publishing in ASPET Discovery. Dr. Schuetz hopes to create more opportunities for authors to submit, in various ways including special sections and minireviews. Specifically, ASPET’s partnership with Elsevier, the world’s largest academic publisher in the world, will help ensure an expansive outreach across the globe to connect with potential authors.
Dr. Schuetz asserts that the future of pharmacology research relies on the community’s ability to share breakthrough science in pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. Predictions indicate that in the next decade, pharmacology will likely depend heavily on crucial factors such new drug targets, the evolution of drug delivery systems and refinement of precision tools for personalized medicine. With pharmacology departments disappearing from many universities and colleges, many students interested in the discipline can experience difficulty as they try to find their places. Dr. Schuetz is hoping ASPET Discovery helps fill the void for pharmacological science.
As an open access journal with no subscription charges, ASPET Discovery requires a fee (Article Publishing Charge, APC) payable by the authors, or their institution or funders, to cover the costs associated with publication. The fee ensures articles will be immediately and permanently free to access by everyone.
The APC for ASPET Discovery is USD $3,100 for full-length articles and USD $2,170 for short articles. As a new journal, ASPET Discovery is offering a 100% promotion until January 31, 2026, and a 50% promotion that will run from Jan 1, 2027, to December 31, 2027. ASPET members are eligible for a 25% discount off the APC.
From mastering the journal’s software to creating an expansive, global reach to providing constructive feedback to forging new relationships, Dr. Schuetz is prepared to propel ASPET Discovery forward and create a space and a place for scientists to share their research in pharmacology and experimental therapeutics.
Learn more about ASPET Discovery.
Lynne Harris, MA, APR, is ASPET’s Director of Marketing and Communications and Executive Editor of The Pharmacologist. She has more than 15 years of experience as a senior-level executive leading communications strategy and 10 years as a journalist. She holds a master’s degree in strategic public communications, Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) through Public Relations Society of America and a certificate in Integrated Communications.
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