1. June 2024

On Their Way…

Each month, the editors of three of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutic’s (ASPET) journals choose who they call their Highlighted Trainee Authors. These early-career scientists are recognized for their innovative research published in The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Drug Metabolism and Disposition, and Molecular Pharmacology. This feature showcases selected young scientists, demonstrates what drives them and reveals why pharmacology is important to them.

Lindsey Galbo-Thomma

Lindsey Galbo-Thomma

Lindsey Galbo-Thomma, PhD, grew up in rural Pennsylvania which she said has been severely impacted by the overdose epidemic. As a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Galbo-Thomma continues to be motivated to investigate the etiology and effects of substance use disorder and potential novel medications.

“I’ve had some amazing mentors throughout my career. In undergrad I struggled with my coursework and had no intention of [pursuing] a research career, but my advisor, Dr. Rodney Clark, introduced me to behavioral pharmacology,” she explained. Galbo-Thomma was also grateful for “matching up with my incredible MS and PhD mentors—Drs. Adam Prus and Paul Czoty. They both provided me with all the tools and resources I needed to succeed and were and continue to be incredibly supportive.”

As a behavioral pharmacologist studying about substance use disorder (SUD), her overarching career and research goal is to contribute findings that improve the health and well-being of people who use drugs or are afflicted by SUD. She plans to use her knowledge and expertise to advocate for sensible science and drug policies and inspire others to, as well!

Galbo-Thomma says that ASPET almost feels like “home” and that she feels lucky to have been involved with several programs and committees over the years. “Publishing the most sophisticated experiments from my dissertation work in a prestigious ASPET journal is the cherry on top.” Read her research in the June issue of The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.