1. January 2024

On Their Way…

Each month, the editors of three of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutic’s (ASPET) journals choose who they call their Highlighted Trainee Authors. These early career scientists are recognized for their innovative research published in The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Drug Metabolism and Disposition, and Molecular Pharmacology. This feature showcases these young scientists, demonstrates what drives them and reveals why pharmacology is important to them.

Rahil Eftekhari

Rahil Eftekhari

Rahil Eftekhari is Postdoctoral Research Associate at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Eftekhari is passionate about developing a treatment for patients through regulating the immune system. Her voluntary work with the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society of Canada has influenced her commitment to develop treatments that enhance the quality of life for patients. Eftekhari hopes that her research will inspire further investigation and the development of PAR2 antagonists, paving the way for innovative pharmacological approaches to treat MS and other neuroinflammatory diseases.

“My goal is to bridge the gap between cutting-edge research and practical, patient-centered applications. I plan to engage in clinical trials, contributing to the development and evaluation of efficient immunotherapies that can be transformed into impactful and innovative clinical interventions,” said Eftekhari.

Eftekhari believes that publication in an ASPET journal signifies an active contribution to its extensive reservoir of knowledge, sharing insights with peers and, ultimately, participating in shaping the future of pharmacological research.

“ASPET stands as a distinguished and esteemed institution in the field of pharmacology. Having my work featured in one of their journals would not only represent acknowledgment within the scientific community but also validate the rigor and quality of my research,” Eftekhari added.

Jan Jakub Lica

Jan Jakub Lica

Jan Jakub Lica is a postdoctoral student at Medical University of Warsaw in Poland. Lica plans to engage in research within the realm of onco-hematological molecular and cellular pharmacology, focusing on technology, oncology and cellular biology. He has met and learned from great experts throughout all stages of his education, progressing successively through medical, scientific and technical aspects.

“My mentor in the realm of molecular and cellular pharmacology, especially in studying the drug mechanism of action, has been supervisor of my PhD thesis, Professor Andrzej Składnowski from Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology. He passed away last March, but his generous investment of time, knowledge, skills and patience has been invaluable for my development,” said Lica.

Lica aims to enhance the effectiveness of anti-leukemic agents and develop improved methods for in vitro cultivation, detection and collection of leukemia cells displaying primitive cell stage phenotype.

Having my work published in the ASPET journal is a significant recognition and an opportunity to attract broader attention to the scientific problems I have authored,” Lica stated.

Agustos Ozbey

Agustos Ozbey

Agustos Ozbey, PharmD is a PhD Student, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., affiliated with the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium. Ozbey is planning to pursue a postdoctoral position after completing his PhD to further hone his skills. He wants to make substantial contributions to drug development and pharmaceutical industries by enhancing the utilization of modeling tools. He hopes this research illuminates the current gaps in non-CYP enzyme PBPK modeling, prompting fellow scientists in the field to reevaluate their approaches and innovate better modeling strategies.

Ozbey has always wanted to work in a medical setting, driven by the desire to comprehend diverse diseases and offer enhanced treatments to patients every day. He has a strong conviction that lies in the power of modeling and simulation to advance drug development Ozbey firmly believes that a predictive approach is key to providing patients with more effective and safer treatments.

Having our work published in an ASPET journal like Drug Metabolism and Disposition is an incredible honor. All my collaborators and I are avid readers of this journal, and this achievement means our work will gain significant visibility, which is truly gratifying,” Ozbey pointed out.