ASPET leaders were front and center at ASPET 2024.
The 2023–2024 President Dr. Namandjé Bumpus led the Opening Session, Business Meeting and Awards Luncheon.

Dr. Ashim Malhotra, ASPET Chair of the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee, introduced Opening Session Keynote Speaker Dr. Marie A. Bernard, Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity at the National Institutes of Health.

2023–2024 ASPET President-Elect Dr. Carol Beck supported ASPET 2024 in various ways, including co-presenting numerous awards to recipients at the Awards Luncheon.

ASPET Executive Officer Dave Jackson oversaw many aspects of ASPET 2024, working with staff to manage meetings logistics, events, sessions and awards recognitions.

ASPET 2023–2024 Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Xinxin Ding delivered his report at the ASPET 2024 annual business meeting. Dr. Ding is also ASPET’s Drug Metabolism and Disposition Editor in Chief.