1. June 2024

Journals Highlights

ASPET Announces ASPET Discovery
Editor Search

ASPET’s Publications Committee is seeking its first editor in chief of a new addition to its journal portfolio, an open access journal titled ASPET Discovery. Nominations are open. Self-nominations are welcome. Nominations, including a brief supporting statement and the candidate’s CV, should be sent to Maria Pasho, ASPET Director of Publications, at mpasho@aspet.org by July 1, 2024. Receipt of confirmation will be forthcoming.

Scope of journal: This bi-monthly open access journal publishes a range of article types, including original research articles, mini-reviews and viewpoints that address all areas of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. These areas include, but are not limited to, topics on interactions of chemicals with biological systems; drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and disposition; drug delivery; mechanisms of drug actions; pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics; toxicology and adverse drug responses; behavioral pharmacology and drugs of abuse; and preclinical, translational, and clinical pharmacology. The journal will cover all types of therapeutic indications, such as cardiovascular, infectious, neurological and cancerous; all forms of therapeutics, such as small molecules, biologics and cells; and all research approaches, such as molecular, cellular and systems pharmacology.

ASPET editors serve for a three-year term that can be renewed for one additional three-year term. The position includes an honorarium. The peer review process is managed at the ASPET office using an online manuscript submission and peer review system. Editors are members of ASPET’s Publications Committee.

Nominees must be an ASPET member in good standing and should have served on an editorial board. Before nominating a candidate, please make sure the person is willing to serve. Self-nominations and nominations should include a CV and a brief letter from the nominator (on their own behalf if self-nominating) expressing why this person would be a good candidate. A lengthier vision statement may be requested from candidates advancing to the interview stage.

The selection process will include telephone or online interviews with the top candidates and is expected to be completed no later than mid-July 2024. The incoming editor will begin working with current ASPET Editors in Chief and ASPET staff during the late summer and fall and will assume the full responsibilities as Editor effective January 1, 2025.

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