in Recognition of National Volunteer Week
ASPET is celebrating National Volunteer Week from April 21–27. Each year, the week is set aside to recognize the contributions of volunteers across the globe. National Volunteer Week started 50 years ago and has grown rapidly with thousands of volunteer projects and special events held throughout the week. ASPET thanks and welcomes the hundreds of volunteers that support the Society each year. We value their time, talent, leadership and willingness to help advance ASPET’s mission. The Pharmacologist connected with several volunteers to share their personal stories and experiences as an ASPET volunteer.
Meet ASPET Volunteer
Misuk Bae, PhD

Dr. Misuk Bae holds a PhD in Biopharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy. She completed her postdoctoral training in Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutic Development from the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine. She is currently Assistant Professor of Pharmacology at Duquesne University School of Pharmacy in Pittsburgh, Pa.
With an interest in the health sciences leaning toward becoming a medical doctor or biomedical engineer, Dr. Bae turned toward pharmacy after a conversation with her high school teacher.
“During my professional study, I participated in a rotation at a cancer center as a student pharmacist. I met a pediatric patient who was diagnosed with glioblastoma. Although I genuinely wanted to help this patient, there were no medicines available on the market for this devastating disease at that time. These experiences informed my decision to pursue my career in science, develop therapeutics and contribute to improving patients’ lives,” Dr. Bae remembered.
Volunteer Service
Since 2023, Dr. Bae has been serving on ASPET’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) committee to advocate for minorities and underrepresented members, particularly in academia. She noted that her service on the IDEA committee has helped her integrate research and public service, while cultivating a deeper understanding and expanded empathy for diverse communities. She has also volunteered to review abstracts for the annual meeting and grant/award applications. In addition, Dr. Bae was recently named a 2024 Editorial Fellow of the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.
Dr. Bae became more involved within the Society after attending her first ASPET meeting in 2017. She was also impressed by senior investigators’ dedication to supporting trainees when she participated in the ASPET Mentoring Network in 2019.
“This experience made me feel that ASPET was home and inspired me to [give back] the support I received to the Society,” Dr. Bae explained.
Dr. Bae points out that being a volunteer for the IDEA Committee has helped her in other ASPET roles. She attends grant reviewer committee meetings, monthly committee meetings and attends regular Town Hall meetings. “I am grateful for the opportunities given to me. Together, we can do great things!”
Meet ASPET Volunteer
David Cabrera

David Cabrera graduated from the College of Charleston, S.C. with a M.S. in Marine Biology and from St. Mary’s College of Maryland. He is currently the Chief of Staff with the Van Andel Institute, an independent biomedical research institute in Grand Rapids, Mich. Cabrera is also the President Elect for the Association of Independent Research Institutes.
Cabrera admits that it took him a while to figure out where his career path would lead. After he obtained his master’s degree, he began looking at PhD programs, but ultimately he decided he wanted to work in a lab for a few years before deciding if that was the right path for him.
“I obtained a lab manager position in Dr. David Sibley’s lab at NIH and worked there for several years. There, Dave provided mentorship not only in conducting research but also the ins and outs of administration. [Networking] conversations led me to apply to a fellowship in policy and administration at NIH. From there I served in several science policy and administration positions, leading up to the one I hold today,” Cabrera stated.
Volunteer Service
Cabrera serves on the Science Policy Committee (SPC) and is Co-Chair of the Appropriations and Budget Policy Subcommittee.
He notes that, for him, volunteering has facilitated getting to know others in the field. It has also allowed him and others to share challenges and solutions they encounter as individual organizations and as a Society. Cabrera points out that volunteering provides a forum to learn from each other and serve the Society at the same time.
Cabrera believes that volunteering helps one get more comfortable networking with others, and he recognizes that it takes practice. He also stresses that knowing that there is a larger body to share collective challenges and solutions creates a more powerful voice to represent research and pharmacology.
“Meeting and working with other members of the ASPET SPC and ASPET staff has been most rewarding,” Cabrera added.
Meet ASPET Volunteer
Kristan Cleveland, PhD

Dr. Kristan Cleveland earned her PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology from the University of Arizona and published five first author manuscripts. She completed her postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Washington.
Cleveland began her research career in 2015 while pursuing her master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences. During this time, she studied mechanisms of β2-adrenergic receptor ligand-mediated cancer prevention under Dr. Bradley Andresen. She appreciated his tutelage as well as her other mentors, who inspired her to become more involved with ASPET.
“It was Dr. Andresen’s mentorship and guidance that allowed me to appreciate all aspects of the scientific process and truly instilled my passion for pharmacology. In 2018, I went on to pursue my PhD at the University of Arizona under Dr. Rick G. Schnellmann, a leading expert in the field of acute kidney injury and mitochondrial biogenesis, and an ASPET member since 1984. I currently work under Dr. John D. Scott, a pioneer in the field of A-kinase anchoring protein biology and an ASPET Fellow,” Cleveland noted.
Volunteer Service
Dr. Cleveland has been involved with ASPET since 2016 when she attended her first Experimental Biology meeting. Since beginning her postdoc in 2022, she started volunteering with ASPET as a part of the Molecular Pharmacology Division and Mentoring and Career Development Committees. She hopes that as her scientific career progresses, she can become more involved in the Society.
Dr. Cleveland states that volunteering with ASPET has strengthened her network in the scientific community. Through participation in committees and attending annual meetings, she has met many people who have helped her progress in her career. She points out that volunteering has helped her become better at communication and confidence.
Dr. Cleveland shared that volunteering with ASPET has given her the opportunity to work with people at different stages in their career who have thoughtfully considered her opinion and made her feel like her contributions are valued.
“The most rewarding experiences through volunteering at ASPET have been being able to participate and give back to a Society that has helped me so much through my personal and professional development,” Dr. Cleveland emphasized.